Mantequilla de Luna de Medianoche
Manteca corporal lujosamente hidratante con la intención de calmar la piel, aliviar el estrés y calmar el espíritu.
Midnight Moon está elaborado con ingredientes seleccionados a mano y con la intención de calmar la piel seca.
Ingredientes: manteca de karité, manteca de cacao, hierba gatera y aceite de almendras dulces con infusión de lavanda, magnesio y una mezcla de aceites esenciales
shea butter, cocoa butter, catnip, and lavender infused sweet almond oil, magnesium, plant derived simple MSM (organic aloe, organic coconut oil, arnica extract) and an essential oil blend
Our products are a great addition to anybody's moisturizing routine. Start with our moisturizing scrubs while in the shower and apply this moisture-rich body butter to damp skin for maximum hydration.
Herbal Benefits
Lavender - helps to clear negative energy, and is grounding and peaceful.
Catnip - aids in relaxation, can calm tense moods, and help release the tension of the day.
Sage - restores harmony and gets rid of negative energy.